Please note: Due to ongoing product developments, what you see in the guidance below may be slightly different to what you see on your screen when logged in to Employer Portal, but the process/overall functionality remains the same.
The 'Self-assessment results' screen features four tabs:
- My results
- Recommendations
- Compare results
- My answers
My Results
After completing a self-assessment, your scores will be displayed visually on the 'My results' tab screen. The scores in the first chart show the percentage progress to achieving each of the three pillars of Employer Standards:
The second chart shows your percentage progress to achieving each of the nine individual Standards. The bars are colour-coded as follows:
- Red: Aspiring (0-49%)
- Green – Achieving (50-89%)
- Blue – Exceeding (90-100%):
The second tab provides you with recommendations on how to improve your Employer Standards scores:
A panel for each Standard shows:
- Your percentage progress towards achieving the Standard
- Understand the evidence - why it is important for employers (and Sole Traders) to progress in each Standard. You can use these documents to build a business case for investing more in this area, or to back-up why it is important that you are exceeding in this Standard.
- Planning your next steps - Take Action document, to help you to improve your progress in each Standard. They contain actions you can take today and others you can plan out over the next year. They are curated by size of employer and level of achievement in each Standard.
- Hear from a peer - videos so you can hear from other employers who have scored exceeding in this category as they share their best practice and lessons learned.
Compare with others
The charts on this tab screen enable you to compare your employer self-assessment score with National, Sector and Regional average scores:
Above example: your self-assessment score compared to National average.
National average
This chart enables you to compare your self assessment scores against the average scores of all employers nationally.
You can also use the dropdown to compare your self assessment scores against the average score of the top 10% of employers scoring highest for this Standard.
Sector average
This chart enables you to compare your self assessment scores against the average scores of all employers with your sector.
Regional average
This chart enables you to compare your self assessment scores against the average scores of all employers with your region.
Note: the chart defaults to showing a comparison against the region in which your business is located. You can choose to view a comparison with other regions by choosing from the dropdown list.
My answers
This tab displays the answers you selected for each Employer Standards when completing the self-assessment: